A perfect blog can be written with only 3 Steps of the writing process. Writing a perfect blog for your website will get you more traffic, views, and share, generating more money. In this article, I will write about these three-step writing processes you have learned for a successful blogger

In this article, I will only discuss the basic ideas of 3 Step writing process. We will start from the general idea of 3 Step easy writing to a vast and elaborated explanation so, stay with us in this article till the end. 

3 Step easy writing in short: 

1 . Idea Collection

2 . Idea curate

3 . Publish the post ( develop, keep developing the idea)

If you are planning to be a blogger who wants to earn his /her living with blogging. This article will help you the most. 

What happens when we can not find the road to success in making money with blogging? Most of us use quiet. And others just earn a small amount of money with it. 

So, before I get into the details of the three-step writing process, let me tell you a story. Your goal is to make $1,000 a month from your blogging website. Depending on how specific you want to get with the topic, it could be on a micro niche website or a different niche website. You now know what you want to achieve, but you don’t have as many ideas about how to get there.

The goal is called, “WHAT”. The system is “HOW” – “the process” to reach your desired goal. If you do not know how to reach your goal. It will be difficult to achieve the goal. 

Now let us just to the deep discussion about the” 3 Step easy writing process”

1 . Idea collection: 

Idea collection or we can say data collection. As a writer, you have to think like a professional writer. You have to take ideas from related Books, websites, newspaper articles, social media, and so on which are related to your blog topic. 

In this age of the internet and social media, there is many of information about a certain topic. So, be careful what data you collect and add to your website must have proper evidence. Data is powerful.  

Read articles, watch talk shows, and YouTube informative videos, and read books for inspiration and information. Reading and writing can make you a professional writer. Be selective about the resources from which you have taken the information. I prefer you keep the 10 most popular blogging websites regarding your blog niche in your resource. 

Add a personal point of view to the blog – readers will love it. Share your personal experience with the topic. 

2 . Idea curate: 

Idea curate simply means organizing the idea. Your brain is the best organizer for your blog writing. You can not just add everything in your blog that you find. Be selective and only add the information that matters to make your blog affected and emotionally connected. 

Think like a museum curator. In a museum a curator colleges everything selectively, being specific. He only collected quality resources. He will never allow chicken bones over dinosaur bones. So, you have to select the best for your audience who will read your blog. Respect your audience’s time. 

Only write about what you are passionate about. On the internet, there are many profitable niches. If you are not interested in a profitable niche, no worries. Choose other niches. Write about the topic that you know more than others. Connected people with emotional levels. 

When you select an idea and it is time to gather a lot of data relatable to that idea. It is time to organize these data and create a reader-friendly manner. Review your writing  again and again. See either you are enjoying while reading your own article or not. 

When I was at the beginning level of my blogging career, A professional writer advised me to keep a notebook to organize the data and ideas I get for my blog. He suggested I keep a physical notebook( pen and paper). A quality notebook will come near $ 19/ $ 25. It is because you have put good money into that notebook and you will surely care about it. 

Free Photo Of Man Using Laptop Stock Photo

Well, research shows that our brain always provides good importance on what we have written in a note than what we have typed in a notepad. But I prefer digital notebooks. It helps me to have a proper track of what work I have done and what work is left to do. 

For physical notebooks, you can find from 2$ to 20$ notebooks. And if you ask me about my favourite digital notebook. I will suggest, bear(for ISO devices), Evernote, and Notion. These are my personal choice. For my blog writing, I maintain both physical notes and digital notes nowadays. 

These 2 parts – Idea collection and Idea curate are the Foundation part. Here comes the practical part Publishing the idea ( as a blog)

3 . Publish ( and develop, keep developing) the post.

We have successfully collected the data and organized them. It is time to publish the blog for your selected audience. 

Firstly, you need to keep a focus point and clear message about what you want to deliver to the selected audience with your blog. Keeping the focus on the main idea will help readers to connect with the blog. If there is no focus point there will be no share, no relation-building with your blog, and no comments.

Secondly, build up road maps. Do not make your reader confused. In your setting of the blog and each paragraph mention the point, you want to start discussing. Go with point by point. This will ensure that you are having a track in your blog for your targeted audience. 

Remember you are not writing for every audience who to read blogs. If you are writing for everyone you are actually writing for no one. I prefer to imagine myself as your reader and write for your readers. Always value the time your target audience is spending reading your blogs.  

Here I have shared the first part of 3 Step writing process. Three more parts are yet to come. 

If you enjoyed this article please leave a comment. If you do not prefer the blogs – the comment box is always open for your kind suggestions.  

I believe this article is worth a share. 😍


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