Making small notes helps you to make perfect blog writing for your audience.  

Today, we will start our 2nd part of the “3 step writing process. In this article, I will go directly from the 

  • Anatomy of Article, 
  • How popular bloggers teach me how to start a perfect blog, 
  • Importance of giving revise to the written blog, 

We will go sequence and will discuss these topic deeply. 

Anatomy of The Article

Let’s start with the Anatomy of the article. Before writing a blog/ article, make a note of what can be the intro part of the blog, the body parts, the closing paragraph and finally closing sentence. The research will help you to write a good resourceful and shareable blog. 

1 . Introduction: Write 3/4 sentences only in the intro part. Remember who is your targeted audience. Because the intro part will attract your targeted visitors. 

2 . Body part of the Blog: Make three sub-body parts of a body part in your note. Write 4 supporting sentences for each sub-body part. These are just the idea and key points depending on what you will write with a perfect explanation in your actual blog post. 

3 . Closing paragraph: This part is the counterarguments of the body part. Can be solutions, personal points of view or can be anything that you as a blog writer will find suitable. For the closing part write only 4 main sentences and keywords.

4 . Closing sentence: Just one sentence, in your notebook. This is for the readers. You can tell why this article is best and beneficial and worth sharing.

When you wrote this note. It can be 1 to 3 pages of the diary and 22 to 25 sentences. Do not edit this idea. It is just the first draft. This is just the anatomy and strategy of your blog writing plan. You know strategy makes 50% of your work done. 

woman sitting on brown wooden chair while using silver laptop computer in room

Starting of An Perfect  Article

Now I will discuss with you the starting of an article. Starting an article (as we discussed in the article anatomy) will ensure either your targeted audience will like to come and read your blog or not. It also depends on which type of blog you are writing. 

Generally, personal blogs talk about personal experiences and personal points of view. So, your audience will like your emotional humor and talking style in a personal blog. In the website blog (like most of the blogs in bizshill) we have written from a businessman’s point of view. In bizshill for example our targeted audience is mainly business learners, businessmen, business students and most entrepreneurs. 

Ok, two possible starting points for a perfect blog post. 

1 . Anecdote: The storytelling style. Involve and add your personal experience. A story is always a powerful tool for attracting your targeted audience. For years storytelling is fun to enjoy because you can enjoy the incident from the point of view of the author directly. 

2 . Nut-graph: Nut Graph is the nutshell of the blog. It is not a summary, it is an autograph. Where summary gives readers a clear idea of every part and point of the blog, In autographs we do not go to add every point of the entire blog. We just add the main point of the summarized part of the blog. The nut graph is small in size. Mostly 3/4 sentences. 

Use psychology and emotion to represent your sentences in a good humorous way. You can end the sentence with a question mark. Make sure the article you are writing is focused on the main topic of the blog and pointed with clear evidence. You have to talk to the audience through your blog writing.

By giving importance to the audience, you will get more and more readers to your blog. Don’t forget to value the time your readers spend reading your blog.  

Free Woman Sitting While Holding Pen Stock Photo

Importance of Giving Revise to The Written Blog

Revising is important for making your blog perfect with spelling, and grammatical mistakes, and more readability. Every time you revise, offer more to the audience. This revision time can be the best editing time for the blog. So, consider giving at least 2h to ensure a successful revision of your blog. 

Remember you are writing and gathering data for yourself. But you are editing and giving revisions for your targeted audience.

While giving a perfect revision you have to focus on a certain topic. Now I will share these topics deeply to enlighten you with these. 

1 . Make sure your key focused point of discussion is clear: 

As a writer, you need to make it very clear about what topic you will write about in your blog. If you are not focused, your audiences will be confused with a certain blog. As a result, the blog will lose its demand and your audience will not share the blog. 

So, make sure that you have a clear motive for your article. If you think you have less information then do more and more research. but   

2 . Make sure your blog has emotion and Humor: Every blog is incomplete without the magical touch of perfect emotions and Humor. Put your whole heart into your blog. Most famous bloggers say, “if you write for everyone, you are writing for no one. ” So, know your audience and add humor and emotion accordingly. 

For example, in it will sound good if we add business-related jokes. Our targeted audience is business people. So, they can easily connect with most of the touches of humor and emotion we added to our blogs. 

3 . Make sure your blog tells a story to the audience: Story is too powerful for connecting with your targeted audience. Now, do not add unrelated stories to your blog. Your stories are your life experiences related to the blog topic. 

For example, in , we try to add authors’ experience in banking and finance-related topics, and we share our stories of what we faced as entrepreneurs and businessmen. We can not add our shopping experiences to business blogs. Always see what your audiences will prefer the most. 

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4 . Make sure you use standard yet easy-to-read words: Choosing perfect words is highly important. Because words are the bridge that connects you and your audience together. Do not use too simple words; it will lose the value of your blog post. Again do not use tush and difficult words which will make your audience disappointed with your blog. 

Here again, knowing your audience is highly necessary. If your audience is children, and parents feel free to use easy words, you most probably do not want to make them unhappy. If your audience is kind of serious, use standard easy-to-understand words. 

Avoid fancy words and difficult words. Use words which give a natural vibe. Be clear with the word you use. 

For example, in, I prefer easy but standard words to our editors and writers. Our main audience is business people. So, minding their interest, it is important to use these words which are serious, professional, and standard yet suitable for business people to understand. Writing a business blog requires too much seriousness and research. 

5 . Make sure you love your writing first: Make sure that your blog sounds perfect according to your judgment. See how it feels when you read your article. Is it enough resourceful or just regular information? Make a special reason for your consumers to reach your blog and read it. 

Do not always write a formal article. It feels like you are not connected to your audience. Readers want to feel like the article is talking to them through words. 

Keep the natural conversation and build the structure of your blog with sentences. Make sure you are clear with the word you used or going to use for your blog. 

For example, in, I prefer editors to read a blog 4 times and come up with the perfect version of the blog. Even 4 times is not enough. We choose the best words that will connect you with us. 

But sometimes we have to use hard words and most of the time non-understandable words. This is because we run a business blog website and the business world has some common but hard words. We have to use these words for a perfect blog.  

We will end this blog here. We still have three topics to discuss,

  • About the magic of 1st and final sentence making,
  • How to make a readable blog with perfect font size, word count, and paragraph style; I will share links for these resources
  • How to write a shareable and scannable blog. 
  • A killer headline style

I believe you found much important information in this blog. We had to do a lot of research for this blog. 😎. Make sure you bookmarked this website and shared this blog. 

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