Today we will talk about the 3rd part of the “3 steps of writing”. We will talk deeply about:

1 . About the Secret of 1st and final sentence-making,

2 . How to make a readable blog with perfect font size, word count, and paragraph style.

3 . How to write a shareable and scannable blog.

4 . How to write a killer headline?

We will go sequence and will discuss these topics deeply and clearly.


The secret of 1st and final sentence making

Let’s start with the Secret of the Writing first sentence. The first sentence is one of the most important parts of the blog post. With the first sentence, you will connect with your targeted audience. The first sentence has to be emotional, specific and more focused.

Be careful with the words you use for the first sentence. The first sentence can be from 4 words to 8 words.

The final sentence writing is as important as the first sentence. The last sentence has to be the final touch of your blog. Give me enough time to write this part. Do not hurry. The last sentence will attract your audience to come again to your website when you will write a new blog on your website.

The targeted audience will share and comment when your last sentence will be perfect. The last sentence is a gift for the audience. It has to be emotional, slan, and a perfect call to action. Write why you think your post is perfect.

In the last sentence if you think the article is the best then ask your audience to share the post. Do not hesitate. You surely deserve a share, comment and reaction to your blog post.

Tell your audience to join them with you in your website blogs, social media and so on. Share your thoughts about the post. Add a statement that can inspire your audience.


How to make a readable blog with perfect font size, word count, and paragraph style?

Your article has to be properly readable. A proper readable blog post has font size, word count, and paragraph style. We will discuss these.

Word count:

Word count has to be not less than 500 words. The max word count can be 800 words, 1200 words, 1500 words, 2000 words, 5000 words, and so on. The word count depends on the topic of the article you are writing. Most of the time, the tic is so narrowed down that you need not explain the full idea. Some time for explaining the full idea of the article you have to introduce other co-related topics.

In this way, the word count of the article changes. But no problem. I suggest if the topic is common and you are facing plagiarism you explain the idea in your own words. Then you can write with as many as words you want to add to your blog post.

Paragraph style:

In your article, you have to write different types of paragraphs. You have to write the solutions, the problems, the myth, the current condition and so on about your blog post topic. With these paragraphs, your focus has to add enough information about your blog post. Short paragraphs have to be not more than 4 sentences.

For a long paragraph. You can give a headline related to the long paragraph topic. Then divide the full paragraph into 2/6 short paragraphs. Each short paragraph will have around 2 to 4 sentences.

Font size and font type:

1 . Font style: Use the computer or mobile phone default Font style for your blog writing.

There are some considerable fonts for writing a blog. Among them, I prefer the Ariel font. This font is perfect and has a good alignment, is easy to read and understandable. The entire alphabet of this font is perfect and with the proper ratio.

You can bold all the important data and information.

2 . Font size: The font size has to be 14 or 16 pt. 14 pt is considered perfect for a mobile device reader. Again, 16 pt is considered perfect for computer readers. Know which type of device audience you get the most and write accordingly.

I prefer to write in 12 font. It is suitable. Readers can even zoom in on the computer easily if they did not read the article with the 12 font size.


How to write a shareable and scannable blog?

Scanning a blog means your reader will gather bookmarks and even note the important details from your blog post. Readers’ time can be limited. So, make your blog post properly scannable. So that readers find out the right idea you want to share with them.

You can highlight important details of your blog post by using a quotation, changing font colour, making it bold, using underlined and italic font format and so on. Be creative with this and let your targeted audience feel an enjoyable reading experience.

A perfect shareable blog contains good blog images. Add a share button so that readers can easily share the post. Feel free to ask your audience to share the post.


How to write a killer headline?

When people read a blog they at first read the headline. The headline talks about, “What the blog is all about”. So, do not underestimate the power of a perfect headline.

There are some proven processes for how you can write a killer headline. Now I will talk deeply about these.

1 . Make your audience care about your title: Use emotion and urgency to attract the attention of the targeted audience.

2 . Be clear and specific: Tell them what is inside the article in one sentence. You can give some lead in this way. You can use the main keyword in the title. The purpose of this article should be clearly stated.

In an article people only read 2/3 words at first. If they like the article and find the article more trustworthy and well-researched then the audience will read this article. So, in these 2/3 words, chances make the magic happen. Make your targeted audience love your article.

3 . Do clear research about the keywords: Make a perfect list of 5 keywords. You will use these in your main blog post body and title bar. You can use them in the introduction and last line also.

i) Be specific and use specific keywords:

For example, The title is, “7 lies people believe of being a true Muslim.” Here, 7 lies and Muslims are specific words. More often 7 lies are the main targeted keyword.

ii ) How to:

There are many blogs which start with the word “How to”. This is a good niche word.

For example, How do you deal with a good businessman? Here businessman is a specific word. Which is a keyword. But I started the title with “How to…”

How do do Blog proof?

Now we are at the last stage of the 3 step writing process of a blog. You have successfully written your perfect blogs. Now you have to do blog prof. Blog prof is checking grammatical mistakes, using sentences in simple format mostly, using proper line gaps and so on. For that I use Grammarly, and Hemingway, these are the perfect blog-proof software.

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